Shaak Ti - Orli Shoshan - Star Wars - A Peek Inside the Woman, not the actress

October 20, 2014  •  Leave a Comment



Many of Shaak Ti's and Star Wars fans ask me what is she like in every day life. That question seems to always perplex me, because the person they know as Shaak Ti, I only know as Orli. In my years of shooting celebrity photography, I have come to realize, we're all the same; we just have different careers and interests.
An unique energy brought us as friends and mutual respect for each other's gifts in the arts attracted us professionally. We met twice for coffee in our early relationship and after our second visit on my way home, I was so compelled to call her and and just blurt out what could have been the most embarrassing words ever said to someone. She answered the phone and I stammered before saying, "Is it just me or are you one of the missing puzzle pieces in my life that completes me!?" Without a moment of hesitation, she said, "I was JUST thinking the same thing after you left!" 
Orli is casual, comfortable, simple in an elegant way. She knows exactly what she wants out of life and chases it, although she has a very serious, deliberate side. When she laughs, her head falls back and lights up the room.  (often she laughs until tears cannot help but fall). Her favorite colors are black and white. 
Both of us are very driven to be the very best in all areas of our lives, and we embrace each others diverse cultures. Orli, born and raised in Israel and trained in their military for two years, teaches me about her culture and delights me in kosher foods and Jewish holidays. She tolerates me when I bring my Dunkin Donuts coffee into a restaurant,  I tolerate her when she starts speaking Hebrew to me, as I stand there blank faced and laugh! We have many similarities and energies in common, and we both know we Love to shop at IKEA.
She has very strong family ties beyond her immediate family, her husband adores her and she lives for her two beautiful daughters. When one of her children are sick, she is up all night with them, and still working the next morning.
Underneath this mother, wife, artist and creative, there is the vibration of a driven woman who will definitely leave her mark in this world.
While continuing with her Sci-Fi conventions and acting she found the time to attain her broker's license and home staging designs certification, working for one of Chicago's top agencies. In my view Orli is the epitome of Beauty and Brains! 

Of the thousands of photographs I have taken of her I feel this one describes her in a still frame. Jeans with a simple white shirt, her sleeves pushed up, barefoot, sitting how she feels most comfortable. She was sitting on the floor in her home against her bedroom wall conversing with me, and I asked her to look up.  (Click) 


(below) I think the pictures below will speak for themselves,  the compassion for her family, yet fun-loving feisty, spontaneous woman she is. Her flowered head band wasn't planned, one of her children put it on her head. I love and share her free spirt! 

(below) Is the way the world see's her - (rarely seen still photography) behind the scenes footage from the dressing room on the set of Star Wars. Many hours goes into graphic design, Orli and I worked endless days choosing which ones to use and different graphic techniques. copyright 2014 Lynne Peters, all rights reserved. Orli Shoshan, Starwars films, Lucas films. used with permission. Learn more about her on her website

As she walks in, she is applauded and photographed by many fans. 

(below) In the make artists chairs, molding a mask to fit her face. 

(below) Awaiting in her dressing room for her scenes to begin. 

(below) Another quiet moment alone in her mind thinking about her script

(below) This profile shot (not even in full wardrobe) is the one that that inspired her famous graphic poster.

One of my favorite posters of her I had the privilege to work on. 

(below) Various posters and scenes from her roles in Star Wars 

(below) On the set...

​(below) You know you've made it in when people are tattooing your image on their bodies... We giggle! 

Most recent work with Orli. To see more of our recent work together visit her site

But my favorite times shooting with her are when we are doing silly selfies! 

To my Client, my dear friend, and integral piece of my life. To many more years of love and laughs! This one's for you! oxox, L. 


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