Ewing Cultural Center Fairytale Wedding - Bloomington, IL

October 26, 2015  •  2 Comments

Whitney Wilson and Brandon Blevin's couldn't have chose a more romantic venue to commit their lives to each other. The Ewing Cultural Center, located on the Sunset Hill estate of the late Hazle Buck Ewing, sits majestically on 6.5 acres of wooded landscape in Bloomington, IL. This beautiful estate is rich in local history. http://ewingmanor.illinoisstate.edu/weddings/

Surrounded by family and friends, blessings and laughter, here is their beautiful love story. You can also find their guest's photojournalism on social media at #eatdrinkandbeblevins. 

Wishing you both a life FULL of life, oxox L. 


A castle...

With a beautiful gown...

And a few accessories...

Friends that love you enough to pray over you... 

Until happy tears pool up on your shoulder...

The same friends that will wipe them dry so your make-up doesn't smudge, and stand by your side watching guests arrive...

Sometimes joy requires TWO tissues...

 His father awaits, and helps him with his cufflinks...

And his mother pins his boutonnière... 

Bidding him one last hug... 

A groom who knows, "She's his!"  

A mother preparing to gift her daughter with her grandmother's bracelet...

A grandfather who handcrafted the wooden box that will hold their rings... 

A father who awaits his first glance, before he will give her away...

Whitney smiles as she looks below at Brandon awaiting his first glance...


 As the grandfather clock strikes 4pm, she looks out over her the guests below... It's time...

Mr. and Mrs. Blevins!  

50 years of wisdom, for them to call upon... 

And at the end of a beautiful day, someone to hold you...


Lynne Peters Photography
ThankQ Mr. Thompson! It was a magical day and honored to be a part of it!
Herb Thompson(non-registered)
This is an incredible collection of portraits, Ms. Peters! You ability to be virtually everywhere and capture emotion is quite extraordinary. Well done and congratulations to the newlyweds.
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